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0 PET bottles from the environment

No Barrier

The polyethylene lamination film consists of a substrate made using polyethylene resins and other types of similar raw materials, through a mixture and extrusion of polymers under high quality control. The polyethylene lamination film can have its composition customized according to the needs of each client.

The film has good mechanical properties, excellent sealing, good processability and good adhesion to any other substrate. In addition, it is very versatile and can be used for different purposes and various market niches.

  • Customization of the client’s brand;
  • Highlights legislation information and product instructions.

  • Product lifetime warranty;
  • Closed and protected, guaranteeing product quality;
  • Protects the properties of the product for longer periods.

  • When the packaging is disposed of properly, it promotes the circular economy of plastic;
  • Use of polymer from a renewable source.

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