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0 PET bottles from the environment

What is Thermoshrinkable?

A shrinkable plastic bag composed of multiple layers which provide a barrier to gases and moisture, suitable to the needs of the packaged product, in addition to mechanical resistance, shine and transparency. Due to these characteristics, it provides an extended shelf life, highlighting the quality and appearance of the packaged product.

Maximizing Results

1 Phase


Consists of a technical evaluation divided into three components. Its purpose is to provide a technical report of the client's current processing situation and guide the performance of the VANTAGGIO service.

2 Phase


The focus of this phase is on the resolution of the actions classified as "Priority" and "See and Act" (Matrix of effort x impact).

3 Phase


The Monitoring consists of a reapplication of the evaluation done in PHASE 01
(Diagnosis) with the purpose of verifying the gains obtained and the improvements made.

4 Phase


In the fourth and last phase of the VANTAGGIO program a final report will be issued containing all the cycle informations regarding the improvements made.


Vacuum Checklist

Perform checklist on vacuum machines, checking leak points, performance of vacuum pumps and vacuum line.

Guidance on machine maintenance

Assist local maintenance on the machine improvement points, and points to be observed in the machine that have an impact on bad vacuum extraction and poor performance of the vacuum line.

Points of improvement

Observe packaging route, points of improvement in belts, improvements in shrink tunnels and the general filling process.

Sizing of packages

Dimension the size of the packages for each cut, aiming to reduce the variability of and also a better presentation of the product and greater vacuum extraction, increasing the shelf life of the final product.


Focusing on better product delivery, our team will assist in operational training, aiming toward better performance of vacuum and filling processes with focus on the final product presentation.
The training also covers Quality, R&D, Warehouse and Maintenance sectors as well, all focusing on the best performance with emphasis on the finished product.

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