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Stay tuned to the world of technology, innovation and sustainability in plastics


Valgroup Run 2024: Running and Solidarity with the new Valgroup Run Kids
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The importance of shelf life for food safety and waste reduction
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Valgroup Sustainable Innovations: Sustainability Commitment
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Valgroup is the new supplier of Tissue packaging for Bracell
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Valgroup Run 2024: Running and Solidarity with the new Valgroup Run Kids

Valgroup Run Lorena returns for its 6th Edition on September 29, with a super new feature: Valgroup Run Kids, for children up to 10 years old. The Valgroup Run is more than a simple street run, it is an event that promotes health and well-being for its employees and society. More than a sporting competition, […]


The importance of shelf life for food safety and waste reduction

Do you know what shelf life is? The term shelf life means the period in which a food can be stored before losing its properties or becoming unfit for consumption.  The Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) addresses this as a fundamental aspect in determining the expiration date of food. Extending the shelf life of […]

Sustentabilidade Innovation Institutional

Valgroup Sustainable Innovations: Sustainability Commitment

At Valgroup, we are committed to driving the circular economy and leading the change towards a more sustainable future for the planet and business. Our technologies reflect this commitment, focusing on reducing environmental impact while delivering high value for our customers. Discover our Sustainability Pillars Rethink: Our first pillar of sustainability reflects our care for […]


3rd Sustainability guide & recycling of plastics and the discussion about the ban of single-use products

In issue 684 of Plásticos em Revista magazine, a specialized vehicle for the plastics industry, the 3rd Sustainability Guide & Plastics Recycling was published, giving an overview of the challenges faced in this sector.


Habits for a More Sustainable Life in 2022

What we do in our daily lives and what we do with our post-consumption waste has an impact on the environment. In fact, several actions in our routine leave a carbon footprint.


Do you know what is carbon footprint?

Carbon footprint comes from the English “carbon footprint” and is nothing more than the calculation of all carbon emissions, from the most simple to the most complex daily activities. All these emissions influence the increase of the planet’s average temperature, intensifying the greenhouse effect and causing global warming.

Circular Economy

PET: the most recycled plastic in the world

PET plastic is recognized by the number 1. Coincidentally, the material is in first place among the most recycled in the the world. Due to its purity, it simplifies the separation process and, because it is thermoplastic, it can be melted and molded countless times when heated without loss of quality. These characteristics make it a material of great economic value for the recycling industry.

Circular Economy

The Present and Future of PET PCR in Brazil

In recent years, post-consumer recycled PET (PCR) has increased in value, significantly and positively changing the economic scenario of PET recycling in Brazil. The most recent census published by ABIPET, the Brazilian PET Industry Association shows that the amount of collected post-consumer PET returned to the level of 2014, above 300 thousand tons annually.
Also according to the census, the large volumes of post-consumer PET have recyclables traders who acquire the material from collectors. Thus, when the price of post-consumer PET scrap is appreciated, it increases the incentive for the collection of this material by these collectors, boosting recycling and the bottle-to-bottle process in the country.

Circular Economy

Do you know what Recyclability is?

Despite being related, having recyclability and being recyclable are not necessarily the same thing for different reasons such as: collection barriers, high cost of recycling and economic inefficiency of the operation, unavailability of technology or lack of initiatives to reuse it on an industrial scale. For example, it is common for a material to be recyclable but not recycled.

Renewable Energy

Partnership between casa dos ventos and valgroup guarantees renewable energy for the packaging production and recycling

Valgroup, one of the largest plastic transformers and recyclers in the world, has signed an energy purchase and sale with Casa dos Ventos, leader in the development of wind projects in Brazil and holder of the largest portfolio of renewable products in the country. The agreement, which lasts for 15 years, guarantees the volume of 25 average MW for the industry, equivalent to approximately half of Valgroup's energy consumption in Brazil.


Trends for flexible plastic packaging in the post-pandemic

The pandemic has had a profound impact on society’s lifestyle. In some spheres, this impact will be long lasting, such as on consumption habits. With social isolation, restrictions, trade closures, and lockdowns, online shopping has grown explosively in all sectors and shows no signs of slowing down. The consumption of food at home has also increased.


Valgroup initiatives to contribute to society in the face of Covid-19 pandemic

For more than 40 years, ValGroup has worked with the entire production chain including customers, suppliers and the communities we serve to face and overcome small and large challenges. Now, more than ever, the Valgroup team is working tirelessly to win this battle more.


Valgroup 4.0

Industry 4.0 consists of industrial automation through innovation and the integration of different technologies in order to promote the digitalization of industrial activities, optimizing processes and increasing productivity.


Valgroup Agro Drums and Agro Bottles – Reliability and Versatility for the Field

Among Valgroup's solutions for the agricultural market are bottles, which can be made from either PET or HDPE, and whose versatility allows the agricultural producer to use them for several applications, not limited only to the bottling of fertilizers. In addition, in some cases, they can be composed of post-consumer recycled resin (PCR), making the operation more sustainable.


20L PET Drum

In 2018, Valgroup launched the 20 liter drum made of PET, at the expense of HDPE (high density polyethylene), the traditional raw material in the production of drums.


The plastics industry and the pet market

Brazil became, in 2019, the second largest market for pet products in the world, (behind only the U.S.) and moved about R$ 35.4 billion up to the third quarter of that year. This sector, which grows continuously, corresponds to 0.36% of the national GDP.


Learn about the initiatives of Valgroup's waste recycling initiatives

Since 1976 Valgroup has been concerned about creating more and more sustainable products and to developing processes that promote conscious production and consumption. This means, for example, developing recyclable solutions, encouraging this habit, and also assuming its own recycling operations.


Do you know what PCR resin is?

Extremely versatile, Post-Consumer Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Resin, better known as PET PCR Resin, is present in several areas, such as civil construction, automotive and medical. In the packaging sector, through the Bottle-to-Bottle recycling process, PCR PET resin can be used in new packaging for food contact.


Myths and truths about plastic

Increased environmental awareness has caused many people to pay more attention to plastic and reduce its consumption, especially disposable plastics. However, in many cases, plastic is taken as the villain of the story in an unduly manner.


Valgroup Run: Running and Solidarity

The Valgroup Run is more than just a simple street race; it is an event that promotes health and well-being, not only for its employees but for society as a whole. More than a sports competition, the race’s purpose is to strengthen Valgroup’s social commitment, contributing to the well-being of the community at large. It’s […]


Loop, the award-winning bottle from Bonafont in partnership with Valgroup

The Loop – or Naked – bottle from Bonafont is made 100% from post-consumer recycled (PCR) PET. Launched in late 2020, the bottle is made from the brand's own 10L and 20L gallon Re.torna – another Bonafont initiative in favor of the Circular Economy.


Valgroup receives award for Best Supplier of Exclusive Brands from the Pão de Açúcar Group.

Valgroup Waste Bags unit received, for the first time, the the Best Supplier Award for Exclusive Brands of GPA (Grupo Pão de Açúcar) in the GPA (Grupo Pão de Açúcar) in the DPH (Disposable Hygiene Products, Home, Party and PET) in the PEQ program.


Como as máquinas envolvedoras da Valgroup podem aumentar a eficiência de sua paletização

Uns dos maiores problemas encontrados nas operações de paletização são o tombamento de cargas e a perda de produtos durante o transporte devido a má aplicação de filme stretch, a qual muitas vezes é oriunda das aplicações manuais de filme.   A aplicação manual consiste em se embalar uma carga paletizada por um operador, utilizando-se […]


Conheça o mais completo laboratório de simulação de transportes das Américas e faça uma avaliação gratuita de seus paletes!

Um dos objetivos da Valgroup é auxiliar nossos clientes a manterem seus produtos seguros, garantindo a estabilidade e a integridade da carga. Para atingir a excelência nesse processo, contamos com o maior laboratório de simulação de transportes das Américas e um conjunto de soluções personalizadas desenvolvidas dentro de nossa plataforma de serviços: o Vantaggio! No […]


Como garantir mais estabilidade para seus paletes

A perda de produtos durante o transporte é um problema que acomete grande parte das empresas ao redor do mundo. Uma estimativa da FMI (Food Marketing Institute) nos traz que o custo com produtos invendáveis, ou seja, produtos danificados ou descartados, gira em torno de $15 bilhões de dólares por ano. Outro dado chocante, trazido […]

Grandes Marcas

Valgroup develops recyclable and biodegradable bags for AmBev’s startup, Delivery Zé.

Valgroup – one of the largest producers, transformers and recyclers of plastic packaging – has developed recyclable bags with degradation, biodegradation and absence of harmful residues, with approval criteria contained in the ASTM D6954 standard to supply to Delivery Zé, – a startup created by the Brazilian beverage company AmBev – which offers an app […]

Grandes Marcas

Valgroup develops bottles with recycled resin for Kraft Heinz Brazil

One of the largest food and beverage companies in the world, Kraft Heinz, has teamed up with Valgroup – one of the largest producers, processors and recyclers of plastic – to use packaging made from PET PCR (post-consumer recycled resin) in its portfolio of the Heinz product line in Brazil. The development of this new […]

Grandes Marcas

Valgroup develops recyclable packaging with integrity and high moisture barrier for Nestlé's compostable capsules in Brazil.

Nestlé has recently announced Nescafé Dolce Gusto NEO. Brazil is the first country to receive this innovation and will produce 100% of the compostable capsules in the sustainable Nescafé Dolce Gusto factory. For the capsules to reach the consumer safely, Valgroup – one of the world’s largest producers, converters and recyclers of plastic packaging – […]


Resistant, practical and indispensable: learn about the history of the plastic bag

Plastic bags are used in every part of the world. Produced on a large scale, they are light, resistant, low-cost, and have become indispensable for several consumption and transportation purposes. How did bags originate and become part of our daily life? In the 1950s, retail was driven by sales transported in paper bags. Having this […]


Lightweight, recyclable and sustainable: meet Shrink Life Cycle Analysis

Did you know that Valgroup beverage packs emit less carbon dioxide than carbonic gas compared to many other materials used for packaging? This contributes to the reduction of global warming and CO2 emission rates on the planet. Would you like to know how? Sustainability is a growing concern. It is increasingly evident that consumers and […]


PET and its advantages

Have you ever stopped to think that PET is one of the most present types of plastic in our daily life? A light, resistant material that was a true revolution in several manufacturing industries. Produced for the first time in 1941, PET was focused on use in the production of fibers and fabrics due to […]

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