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Hora da Leitura: cultivating children's love for literature throughout Brazil


Reading is one of the most important skills we can teach our children. It not only enriches vocabulary and knowledge, but also feeds the imagination and promotes critical thinking. However, many children have limited access to quality books. This is where “Hora da Leitura (Reading Time)” project comes in, an initiative that seeks to transform the lives of children throughout Brazil.

The project is an initiative that aims to make reading more accessible and attractive to children aged 6 to 12 in public schools, non-profit institutions, and public cultural spaces throughout Brazil. The main purpose is to make it possible to introduce art into basic education, encouraging the reading of children’s literature by national and international authors and stimulating children’s imagination, creativity, and teamwork.

One of the most notable features of “Hora da Leitura (Reading Time)” is the mobile cabinet structures containing a collection of children’s books, with emphasis on regional authors. Each structure is carefully equipped with 80 copies of children’s books, including 10 in Braille to meet the needs of visually impaired children.

The delivery of these structures is followed by a “storytelling” event which is the highlight of this project. During this activity students choose which story they would like to hear from a range of titles in the collection. The storytelling is done in an interactive way, involving the children’s participation. As the story unfolds, scenery is inserted as required, making the experience even more entertaining.

Each performance attracts at least 200 spectators, providing a significant impact on the communities assisted. In addition, the project can be carried out in any Brazilian city, reaching communities all over the country. This means that children in remote areas also have the opportunity to get involved with reading and the magic of children’s stories.

Valgroup is sponsoring “Hora da Leitura (Reading Time)”, which was chosen to take place in the city of Manaus (AM) this year, providing social institutions and public schools throughout the region with a range of books and involving more than 5451 people, including children and educators. The project is in line with Valgroup’s social commitment to promoting quality education for children and youth in situations of social vulnerability.

From October 2nd to 6th, 10 pedagogical structures were delivered with a total collection of 800 books, covering themes from national and regional children’s literature and books in Braille, guaranteeing inclusion and accessibility for all.


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