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The new Global Plastics Pact


March 2nd of 2022 has become a very important date. On this day, the UN agreed to open negotiations for the first global agreement against land and marine plastic pollution, a landmark initiative in the fight to preserve biodiversity.

Meeting in Nairobi, capital of Kenya, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEP), the highest international body on the subject, created the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee, charged with preparing a legally binding text by 2024.

The initiative has been endorsed by Heads of State, Ministers of the Environment and other representatives from 175 nations.

Open to all UN member countries, the negotiations should start in the second half of this year and address a broad agenda, such as the life cycle of plastic and its impacts from production to disposal and recycling, as well as global targets, mandatory and voluntary measures, control mechanisms, national action plans, support for the most in-need countries, among many other agendas.

Large companies, including some that use plastic packaging in large quantities, such as Coca-Cola and Unilever, have also come out in favor of a treaty that establishes common rules for plastic management, reinforcing optimism.

Considered the largest global effort to protect the environment since the Paris Agreement, 2015, the treaty brings hope for the future we are building.


Valgroup’s commitment

At Valgroup we work to design increasingly sustainable packaging, such as, for example, single-material packaging or with simplified structures that facilitate recycling. We have pioneered the development of PET bottles made of 100% post-consumer recycled material for contact with food. We invested in Deink Brazil, a company that created the innovative process of de-inking post-industrial and post-consumption packaging, giving new life to residues traditionally destined to landfills.

We are already the largest plastic recycler in Latin America, but we want to increase our recycling capacity even more, and we have set goals to achieve this:

Recycle 100% of the equivalent volume we produce by 2040.

Learn more about our solutions and initiatives for plastic waste management:


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