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Projeto Semear: Quality education for children and youth in situations of social vulnerability


The Semear Project was born in 2005, with the purpose of providing socially vulnerable young people the opportunity for a better future through quality education by giving young people access to studies stimulating personal and professional development, to capacitate, and to recruit for both Valgroup and the labor market.

The selection of students takes place through enrollment, by means of presentation of the required documentation and data analysis. Young people between 18 and 24 years old from the city of Lorena (SP) who have completed high school can participate in the project. The course lasts 10 months and classes are held from Monday to Friday, from 7 pm to 10 pm.

With a focus on education, the project is aimed at young people in situations of social vulnerability, promoting study opportunities and getting their first job. To ensure the effectiveness of the program for these young people, during the entire journey in the educational institution the project ensures the assistance of a social worker dedicated to monitoring the young people, motivating them to stay with their studies and to focus on the mission of concluding those studies.

During the entire study period the participants still work in groups, providing some kind of assistance to others. Thus, they accrue volunteering experiences, develop skills, and practice altruism.

Self-managed by Valgroup and with 400 students already graduated from this program, in addition to 80 people hired by the company, the 9th class, which started in August 2022, will end in June 2023, and will graduate 26 students, eight of which are already hired by Valgroup.

The news for 2024 is the launch of the project in the city of Passa Quatro (MG), in partnership with Senai. The course starts in April of this year and will last for 6 months with classes held Monday through Friday, from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM.

This and many other social projects are managed and supported by Valgroup, which has a solid ESG positioning, with social purposes based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), such as contributing to the eradication of hunger, supporting quality education for vulnerable children and young people, working for the respect of human rights, and supporting diversity and inclusion through a fair offer of opportunities.



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