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Learn why the ESG concept is so important for the future of society.


The ESG concept, which stands for Environmental, Social and Governance, gained momentum in the 2010s to arrive in 2020 with its well-structured terms and applications.

But in the past, large companies had to choose between good financial results and embracing sustainable agendas that were often economically unfeasible.

Today, companies are thriving under the ESG concept, which is increasingly gaining popularity in the corporate world. Why is this concept so important for the future of society?

ESG is the basis for the application of good practices that companies can adopt to care for the environment, for society, and for transparency in corporate management. This makes it possible to be profitable while paying attention to concepts that go beyond the traditional corporate environment.

Climate change is a reality. It is important that companies operate in society with a focus on improving quality of life for people and the planet, adopting the ESG concept in order to adapt to a market model where profitability goes hand in hand with sustainability in building a future with a fair society for all.

For Valgroup, sustainability is the core of our business and is fully integrated in our initiatives to support the development of an efficient circular economy, in which plastics never become waste. To this end, we have made commitments to the environment, to society, and we act in an ethical and transparent manner.

We are committed to being NET ZERO by 2040, neutralizing carbon emissions and recycling 100% of the equivalent volume we produce, contributing effectively to the circular economy by removing plastic waste from the environment.

We also contribute to the eradication of hunger, supporting quality education for vulnerable children and youth, always working for the respect of human rights, for diversity and inclusion through the fair offer of opportunities.

And through good governance we maintain our responsibility, ethics, and compliance, with a strict Code of Ethics and Conduct. Ethical principles guide our actions and commitments, aiming to ensure integrity, transparency, risk mitigation, and credibility, in accordance with the best global practices and respect for the law, contributing to the sustainability of the business.

Aligned with the future and with the ESG concept, Valgroup confirms its commitments to the environment and to society, acting in an ethical and transparent way to build a fairer and more sustainable future for all.

Let’s all together build a more sustainable future!


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