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Valgroup’s Sustainability


Our goals and commitments for a present and future sustainable management

Sustainability is on the rise. This subject is dominating discussions and conferences, and influencing government’s, and companies’ policy making.


Valgroup’s sustainability has been an essential part of our existence since our inauguration. It represents the core of our business and, thus, we invest and we dedicate a lot to find a solution that strengthens the circular plastic economy, as well as contributing to the social development, while adhering to the ethics and transparency principles.


To reinforce our commitment, we have recently published our goals regarding sustainability. These are:

Environmental Goals



Social Commitment

To support the social development, which is the essential pillar of a sustainable future, Valgroup has established some guidelines to take actions with the aim to reduce inequalities and to facilitate populations’ access to basic human rights. These are:



Transparency and corporate ethics


Valgroup follows a rigorous Ethics and Behavior Code, containing ethical principles that guide actions and commitments besides of implementing a Compliance Program to guarantee the integrity, transparency, mitigation of risks and credibility of the company.

This is all made in compliance with the best international practices of governments, optimization of processes and internal controls to improve the management, ensuring internal independencies, disseminating the compliance culture, and adhering to ethical principles, conduct standards, rules of conduct and applicable obligations, among other measures that aim to guarantee the sustainability of the long term businesses.


What has Valgroup done so far?

With more than 45 years of history, Valgroup has become the largest plastic recycling company in Latin America. This was possible because of the following investments and initiatives:




Learn more about Valgroup’s sustainable initiatives and some other references at:


Stay tuned in to the world of plastic technology, innovation and sustainability

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Comerc Energia inaugurates São João do Paracatu photovoltaic complex, and Valgroup expands its consumption of renewable power, reinforcing the commitment to sustainability
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Valgroup launches a new Business Unit in the market dedicated to Digital Printing
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Valgroup develops 1250ml bottles for yogurt in partnership with Serramar
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M. Dias Branco introduces Cream Cracker packaging made with recycled plastic
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