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Do you know what ESG is and how important this concept is for companies and for the planet?


ESG stands for environmental, social and governance, and corresponds to an organization’s environmental, social and governance practices. The acronym appeared for the first time in 2004, within a working group of Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), a network linked to the UN, which aims to convince investors about sustainable investments.


The understanding and applicability of ESG criteria by Brazilian companies is an increasing reality. Acting in accordance with ESG standards expands the

competitiveness of the business sector, whether in the domestic market or abroad. ESG is an indication of solidity, lower costs, a better reputation, and greater resilience amidst uncertainties and vulnerabilities. If in the past a company should have focused on its growth and profitability, today their role in society is much broader.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), established by the UN in 2015, are today the main guide that a company must follow to bring its operations up to good ESG practices. The SDGs summarize the social, environmental and governance challenges of our time, which we will only be able to overcome with the engagement of companies.


As metas e objetivos ESG da Valgroup


Environmental (Ambiental):










At Valgroup, we make commitments to the environment, and society, and act in an ethical and transparent manner.


Learn more about our ESG commitments and initiatives. Access:


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