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Do you know what is carbon footprint?


Do you know what is carbon footprint?


March 8, 2022


Carbon footprint comes from the English “carbon footprint” and is nothing more than the calculation of all carbon emissions, from the most simple to the most complex daily activities. All these emissions influence the increase of the planet’s average temperature, intensifying the greenhouse effect and causing global warming.


In order for the world not to reach an irreversible point regarding climate change, world leaders committed in the Paris Agreement of 2015, that the planet’s average temperature does not exceed 2ºC by the end of this century.


If humanity wants to achieve this goal, it is estimated that the average carbon footprint per person will have to be below 2 tons per year by 2050. To give you an idea of how much work still needs to be done, a US citizen emits 16 tons per year on average.


How does the emission of Greenhouse Gases happen?


Everything we do in our day with regard to consumption, leaves carbon footprints, some larger than others. What we eat, what we wear, how we move around, cosmetics and so on. This is because food needs to be grown, stored and transported; cars, buses, airplanes and all other means of transportation consume fuel, and have consumed energy and natural resources in their production.

Want to know how to reduce your carbon footprint?


Valgroup has a goal to be net zero by 2040. This means that we are investing in more efficient and sustainable processes, such as energy from renewable resources, to neutralize our carbon emissions by the year 2040.


You can also decrease your carbon emissions by taking a few simple actions, that can make a big difference. Check them out:





Consume energy and waste

Collective effort

Curious to know how big your carbon footprint was in the past year?

  1. Go to
  2. Click on calculate my emissions
  3. Answer the questions
  4. See how much carbon you have generated in 2020 and compare with the world average
  1. At the end, you decide if you want to buy “carbon credits” to offset your individual impact.



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