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Valgroup 4.0


Get to know our automated plant

A few years ago, terms such as artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud storage, among so many others, seemed something distant, futuristic. Today, the reality is different and these technologies are part of everyday life in various industries, a paradigm shift named Industry 4.0 or the 4th Industrial Revolution.


What is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 consists of industrial automation through innovation and the integration of different technologies in order to promote the digitalization of industrial activities, optimizing processes and increasing productivity.

By incorporating Advanced Robotics, Machine – Machine Connection Systems, the Internet of Things, Sensors and Actuators, to name a few technologies, industries establish a context in which machines act as an organism, in which each one performs autonomously, the function it has been assigned in the industrial operation.

This new way of conducting the production process provides greater productivity, agility in meeting targets and, consequently, customer satisfaction.


The Valgroup 4.0

The Valgroup plant in Ipojuca – Pernambuco, specialized in the manufacture of PET preforms, was designed and built based on the concept of Industry 4.0.

In the 45,000 square meter industrial park everything is connected, from purchase orders to production scheduling, to the client. A management system is responsible for controlling the entire production, stock, shipping of products, and the operation can be supervised remotely.

Another essential tool for the success of the operation is artificial intelligence, which performs real-time analysis of processes in search of patterns, errors, and anomalies. Managers have well-founded information to make decisions with precision based on the data collected. This is when the system itself does not make the necessary corrections autonomously.

All this allows, in the plant, autonomous vehicles (LGVs – Laser Guide Veihculos) to work in total synchrony with the preforms injection machines. From that point, the product goes to the second production line, where it passes through a quality auditor who performs a visual stock inspection.

Valgroup’s newest rPET (recycled PET resin) production plant, also in Ipojuca, follows the same precepts of Industry 4.0. In the operation, the selection process of plastic bottles to be recycled does not use operators, this activity is 100% automated.

The conception of these plants reflects Valgroup’s constant search for innovation and the modernization of its processes. This is how we have built our history. This is how we will achieve our goals and targets and bring more and more innovative solutions to our clients and their consumers.


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