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5 curiosities about plastic that you probably didn’t know


We know that, for many, plastic is considered harmful to the environment and some people even talk about abolishing the material from the market. However, it is important to point out that plastic is extremely advantageous and beneficial. This is because, when used correctly, it can provide several conveniences, and can be used to manufacture a variety of products, making their cost accessible and our day-to-day lives easier.


For this reason, we have brought to you in this article some curiosities about plastic that you probably did not know. Check it out!

1. Recycling plastic saves energy

First, we need to point out that every recycling process saves energy, by reducing or eliminating the need to produce materials from scratch. To get an idea, one ton of recycled plastic saves 5,774 Kwh of 16.3 barrels of oil and 22,000 cubic meters of landfill space, according to a study done by Stanford University. Also according to the WWF, recycling plastic saves up to 90% of energy and generates labor by the establishment of small and medium-sized industries. 100 tons of recycled plastic avoid the extraction of 1 ton of oil.

2. Plastic straws can be a home for bees

While in some countries there are discussions about the use of plastic straws, three companies have joined forces to create a project that aims to save bees of the species Apis Mellifera (the most important in the world for human food) and also to contribute to the reduction of plastic waste. They used plastic straws to create artificial honeycombs and thereby to protect the endangered bee species.

3. Plastics from the ocean can also be recycled

Several companies have proven that ocean-derived material is still very useful in the recycling industry. Currently, some of the plastics removed from our oceans are used to make new products such as clothing, running shoes, soda bottles, and even asphalt for roads. It goes without saying that plastics should not be polluting the seas – a situation caused by incorrect disposal – but these initiatives show that it is possible to clean up our waters and still properly dispose of this waste.

4. It can replace several other raw materials

Plastic presents characteristics that provide quality and low cost solutions to society. This is due to the diversity of processes it provides when considering a product nowadays, its good acceptance and adaptation in several segments, which need more and more technological innovations combined with a great final product. Not to mention increasingly competitive prices. Therefore, plastic can replace several other raw materials with excellence due to its versatility.

5. Helps reduce the risk of contamination

Plastics are excellent for improving hygiene because most of them are biochemically inert and therefore do not react or deteriorate when in contact with other types of substances. Consequently, they are extremely beneficial in reducing the risk of contamination, (since they do not react with other substances) providing safety when used in packaging, medications and disposable surgical and pharmaceutical equipment such as syringes, gloves, among others. For this reason, plastic is widely used in both the food and health areas.

As you have just learned, knowing some of these curiosities about plastic is very important to understanding that plastic contributes to advances in technology, science, and our daily lives. In fact, plastic has brought a better quality of life to people.


To learn more about the universe of plastics and the technologies and innovations involved, take a look at the other articles on the Valgroup blog:


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