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Optimizing the supply chain to reduce food waste in retail.


The issue of food loss is a matter of great concern on a global scale.

According to data from a survey carried out in 2023 by Abrappe – the Brazilian Loss Prevention Association, within the production chain and in retail, there are several reasons that can cause or contribute to waste.

The causes of losses are diverse, but operational breakdowns are the main cause of losses in various retail sectors, especially in the food industry, largely driven by the presence of perishable or expired products.

Based on the results of the survey, it was identified that perishability, expiration and products damaged in the store are the main causes of operational losses in retail. Some relevant observations include expired items appear at the top of the list of factors for operational breakdowns in drugstores (62.85%) and neighborhood markets/convenience stores (43.26%). On the other hand, products damaged by customers are the main cause of this index in segments such as national magazines (53.98%), furniture/computers (41.42%), fashion (34.03%) and perfumery (30.7%).

Reflecting on the logistics of the supply chain (storage and distribution), carrying out a thorough analysis of store stocks and, above all, aligning the supply chain with the company’s reality are crucial initiatives for drastically reducing overall loss rates.

Plastic packaging plays a key role in this process, with the main goal being minimization of waste and losses, whether for food safety, financial, environmental, or social reasons. With an eye on this reality, Valgroup offers solutions in barrier and non-barrier shrink bags for meat, poultry, and cheese, which guarantee safety and preserve the freshness of the product, extend shelf life and contribute directly to reducing waste.

Want to know more about Valgroup Shrink Bags? Visit our products page at:


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