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3rd Sustainability guide & recycling of plastics and the discussion about the ban of single-use products

In issue 684 of Plásticos em Revista magazine, a specialized vehicle for the plastics industry, the 3rd Sustainability Guide & Plastics Recycling was published, giving an overview of the challenges faced in this sector.


Habits for a More Sustainable Life in 2022

What we do in our daily lives and what we do with our post-consumption waste has an impact on the environment. In fact, several actions in our routine leave a carbon footprint.


Do you know what is carbon footprint?

Carbon footprint comes from the English “carbon footprint” and is nothing more than the calculation of all carbon emissions, from the most simple to the most complex daily activities. All these emissions influence the increase of the planet’s average temperature, intensifying the greenhouse effect and causing global warming.


Valgroup’s Sustainability

Valgroup’s sustainability has been an essential part of our existence since our inauguration. It represents the core of our business and, thus, we invest and we dedicate a lot to find a solution that strengthens the circular plastic economy, as well as contributing to the social development, while adhering to the ethics and transparency principles.


The importance of plastic for society

Very present in our lives, plastic emerged in the first half of the 20th century and started gaining strength in the 1930’s, with polyethylene. The Second World War was a revolution for plastic and, after the war, companies started to use it in the manufacturing of consumer goods. Its dissemination in society brought several social, economic, and environmental advantages.


Valgroup and its ESG Goals and Objectives

With the growing concern regarding the environmental impacts of our lifestyle as well as the confrontation of inequalities and social injustices, companies are increasingly required to take effective positions and initiatives to reverse these scenarios.


The new Global Plastics Pact

March 2nd of 2022 has become a very important date. On this day, the UN agreed to open negotiations for the first global agreement against land and marine plastic pollution, a landmark initiative in the fight to preserve biodiversity.


What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Created by the United Nations (UN) in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the environment, and ensure that the entire world can enjoy peace and prosperity while living in harmony with the environment.


Do you know what ESG is and how important this concept is for companies and for the planet?

ESG stands for environmental, social and governance, and corresponds to an organization’s environmental, social and governance practices. The acronym appeared for the first time in 2004, within a working group of Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), a network linked to the UN, which aims to convince investors about sustainable investments.


Did you know that plastic can help preserve natural resources?

Preventing soil contamination, avoiding erosion, channeling sewage, preserving water, and making cars less polluting are just some of the important benefits of plastics to the conservation of the planet's natural resources. In other words, the production and use of plastics are beneficial, because the environmental balance is positive.


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