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Stay tuned to the world of technology, innovation and sustainability in plastics


Valgroup Run 2024: Running and Solidarity with the new Valgroup Run Kids
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The importance of shelf life for food safety and waste reduction
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Valgroup Sustainable Innovations: Sustainability Commitment
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Valgroup is the new supplier of Tissue packaging for Bracell
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Grandes Marcas

Valgroup is the new supplier of Tissue packaging for Bracell

Valgroup, reference in production, transformation and recycling, of plastic was recently chosen as the new packaging supplier for Tissue products of Bracell. This partnership is an important strategical step for both companies. Bracell, broadly recognized as one of the world leaders in cellulose production, stands out for its operations based on sustainable cultivation and in […]


Comerc Energia inaugurates São João do Paracatu photovoltaic complex, and Valgroup expands its consumption of renewable power, reinforcing the commitment to sustainability

Comerc Energia inaugurated this Friday (14) São João do Paracatu photovoltaic complex, in the municipality of Paracatu, located northwest of the state of Minas Gerais. With investments of approximately BR 950 million, the solar plant has 267 MWp generation capacity. Under commercial operation since December 2023, the project has among its customers Granha Ligas – […]


Valgroup launches a new Business Unit in the market dedicated to Digital Printing

On the market for over 45 years, Valgroup is in constantly evolving, and forefront in the flexible packaging industry, launches a new business unit dedicated to Digital Printing. The new digital printing unit is a technological change with transformation, which offers an unprecedented flexibility. Focused on meeting the demands from a small volume market, the […]


Valgroup’s Sustainability

Valgroup’s sustainability has been an essential part of our existence since our inauguration. It represents the core of our business and, thus, we invest and we dedicate a lot to find a solution that strengthens the circular plastic economy, as well as contributing to the social development, while adhering to the ethics and transparency principles.


The importance of plastic for society

Very present in our lives, plastic emerged in the first half of the 20th century and started gaining strength in the 1930’s, with polyethylene. The Second World War was a revolution for plastic and, after the war, companies started to use it in the manufacturing of consumer goods. Its dissemination in society brought several social, economic, and environmental advantages.


Valgroup and its ESG Goals and Objectives

With the growing concern regarding the environmental impacts of our lifestyle as well as the confrontation of inequalities and social injustices, companies are increasingly required to take effective positions and initiatives to reverse these scenarios.

Circular Economy

Single-material packaging – Because in recycling, less is more

Although multimaterial plastic packaging components are essentially recyclable, nowadays recycling this type of waste is still a challenge for the circular economy due to a lack of technologies for the efficient separation of these different components, which makes the process laborious and costly from start to finish.

Circular Economy

How to bring sustainability into your home?

We often have the impression that being sustainable outside, at work, in malls, in parks and similar places is much easier than at home. After all, there are established structures dedicated to this goal, such as colored garbage cans for selective collection, reminders on signs, laws and campaigns, among other measures.

Circular Economy

How is plastic waste recycled?

Recycling has become a widely discussed topic in the course of the last few years. As the population has grown, so has waste generation, much of it plastic. The environment can not withstand this for a long time, nor can it reverse the situation by itself. For this reason, recycling is essential to reducing the volume of this waste that pollutes our cities, forests, rivers and oceans, and to reducing the exploitation of natural resources.


Learn about the de-inking process at Deink Brasil, a Valgroup partner

Deink Brazil, a Valgroup partner, is the developer of an innovative recycling technology that allows the total removal of inks from printed plastic residues, and wastes of post-industrial origin and post-consumption.


Release Natural One

Natural One signs public commitment with Valgroup and invests R$2.4 million in 100% recycled PET packaging


Single-material packaging – Because in recycling, less is more

Although multimaterial plastic packaging components are essentially recyclable, nowadays recycling this type of waste is still a challenge for the circular economy due to a lack of technologies for the efficient separation of these different components, which makes the process laborious and costly from start to finish.


Valgroup Packaging for the Tissue Market

Valgroup also has complete solutions for the Tissue market. These are primary, secondary and tertiary packages that guarantee logistical safety, highlight the product on the shelf, as well as make the packaging process easier and more efficient, reducing waste and excessive use of film.


Single-material packaging – Because in recycling, less is more

Although multimaterial plastic packaging components are essentially recyclable, nowadays recycling this type of waste is still a challenge for the circular economy due to a lack of technologies for the efficient separation of these different components, which makes the process laborious and costly from start to finish.


Sacos para lixo Valgroup – Descubra qual é o melhor para a sua rotina

Todos os dias, nós geramos lixo em maior ou menor quantidade. Esse volume tem a ver, entre outros fatores, com o contexto em que estamos inseridos: você mora em uma casa? Ela tem jardim ou não? Quintal? Quantas pessoas moram na casa? E se for apartamento? Tem uma empresa?

Essas indagações também são relevantes na hora de escolher o saco de lixo ideal para lidar com os resíduos. Confira esse guia prático:


Unification of Valgroup: Purpose, Values and Expectations

Now unified, these brands and the employees who made it all possible are now operating under the same name: Valgroup, a change that represents the consolidation of a transforming history.


Valgroup, one of the world's largest producers and recyclers of of plastic packaging in the world, invests in Deink Brasil.

Deink Brasil's unique ink removal process, called deinking, allows the total removal of inks from printed plastic waste, bringing significant changes to the global recycling market. The technology used by Deink, already patented in 21 countries, results in materials with characteristics similar to those of virgin plastic.


Valgroup invests and acquires one more recycling plant in Brazil

Latin America’s largest plastics recycler announces the acquisition of 3 Rios Fibras e Resinas’ PET bottle recycling activity Valgroup, one of the largest plastic producers, processors and recyclers in the world and the largest in Latin America, announces the acquisition of the PET bottle recycling activity of 3 Rios Fibras e Resinas, in Poços de […]


Guia Definitivo do Filme Stretch – Parte 1

  Quando a questão é garantir a integridade dos produtos ao longo da cadeia logística, é muito comum ouvirmos sobre a qualidade do filme stretch utilizado nas linhas de paletização. Entretanto, você sabe exatamente quais são os fatores que influenciam na composição de um palete seguro? Além da qualidade do filme, outros vários fatores são […]


Guia Definitivo do Filme Stretch – Parte 2

  Quem acompanhou a última publicação de nosso blog, aprendeu um pouco sobre o Filme Stretch e seu processo de produção. Na publicação de hoje, trouxemos suas propriedades mais importantes, para que vocês entendam como cada uma delas afeta a segurança de seus produtos e a eficiência de sua operação.   Propriedades do Filme Stretch […]


Como Melhorar sua Aplicação de Filme Stretch

Dando sequência em nossos artigos sobre filme stretch, hoje falaremos em como utilizar dos conceitos e propriedades já abordadas nas últimas publicações para melhorar sua aplicação de filme e garantir assim mais eficiência e segurança para seus produtos. Se ainda não conferiu nosso guia definitivo do filme stretch acesse através do link:   Conceitos […]

Grandes Marcas

Valgroup develops Shrink PCR for the new Devassa beer packaging

HEINEKEN Group, the second largest brewery in Brazil, has teamed up with Valgroup – one of the largest producers, processors and recyclers of plastic – for use of packaging made from PCR film (post-consumer recycled resin) in its Devassa beer line. The packaging was developed with 30% recycled resin in its composition. A more sustainable […]

Grandes Marcas

M. Dias Branco introduces Cream Cracker packaging made with recycled plastic

The best-selling Cream Cracker in Brazil, from the Vitarella brand, will have sustainable packaging.   Dias Branco partners with Valgroup, a company with over 45 years in the market, a reference in plastic production, transformation, and recycling; together, they introduce innovative multipack packaging for Vitarella Cream Cracker. The new package is comprised of recycled plastics, […]

Grandes Marcas

Valgroup develops 1250ml bottles for yogurt in partnership with Serramar

Serramar, a cooperative with over eight decades of history, recognized as a symbol of quality and tradition. Serramar stands out by excellence of its products, with a family of 750 dedicated cooperative members, supplying around 70 million liters of milk annually. In this context, a new release arises that reflects the continuous commitment to quality […]


Recycling: types of processes and applications

When we talk about recycling, what comes to your mind? We often think of colorful waste bins and the selective collection where we separate recyclable materials that will be processed to become new products. But what is the definition of recycling? According to the National Policy for Solid Waste, recycling can be defined as “the […]


BIO-V: technology that accelerates the biodegradability of plastics.

Plastic is present in society’s daily life, offering safety, durability and resistance, less contamination, greater possibilities and efficient processes compared to other types of materials. At Valgroup, the whole portfolio of shrinkable packaging for proteins is developed with the purpose of reducing environmental impacts, reinforcing our commitment to quality of life through innovative and sustainable […]


Valgroup Sustainable Innovations: Sustainability Commitment

At Valgroup, we are committed to driving the circular economy and leading the change towards a more sustainable future for the planet and business. Our technologies reflect this commitment, focusing on reducing environmental impact while delivering high value for our customers. Discover our Sustainability Pillars Rethink: Our first pillar of sustainability reflects our care for […]

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